Our Group

Prof. Dr. Tiago Fleming Outeiro
Principal Investigator

Our research interests are focused on the understanding of the molecular mechanisms which lead to neurodegeneration in diseases such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, or Alzheimer’s disease. These diseases are intimately associated with protein misfolding and aggregation in specific regions of the brain.
Because the molecular pathways involved in protein homeostasis are highly conserved, we employ a wide variety of model organisms, from the simple but powerful budding yeast to mammalian cell culture and mice, to study the origin of the problems.
Our ultimate goals are to develop novel therapeutic approaches for these and other related disorders. We are working closely together with clinicians in order to accelerate drug discovery efforts, translating basic research into clinical applications that will improve the lives of patients.

  • touteir(at)gwdg.de

  • 49+ 551 39 67951

  • 49+ 551 39 67949

Sonja Reisenauer
Personal Assistant Prof. Outeiro

  • sreisen(at)gwdg.de

  • 49+ 551 39 67950

  • 49+ 551 39 67949

Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr. Ellen Gerhardt
Postdoctoral Fellow

  • egerhar1(at)gwdg.de

Dr. Mohammed Al-Azzani
Postdoctoral Fellow

  • mohammed.alazzani(at)med.uni-goettingen.de

Dr. Manuel Flores León
Postdoctoral Fellow

  • manuel.floresleon(at)med.uni-goettingen.de

Dr. Valentina Grande
Postdoctoral Fellow

  • valentina.grande(at)med.uni-goettingen.de

Dr. Tamer Abdelaal
Postdoctoral Fellow

  • tamer.abdelaal(at)med.uni-goettingen.de

PhD Students

Hebatallah Abdelrasol
PhD Student

  • hebatallah.abdelrasol(at)med.uni-goettingen.de

Avika Chopra
PhD Student

  • avika.chopra(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de

Madiha Merghani
PhD Student

  • madiha.merghani(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de

Dawei Wang
PhD Student

  • dawei.wang(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de

Leslie Amaral
PhD Student

  • leslie.amaral(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de

Technical Staff

Daniela Proto

  • dproto(at)gwdg.de

Christiane Fahlbusch

  • cfahlbu4(at)gwdg.de